While great strides in gender equality have been made over the last several decades, the countervailing effect has been a prosecutorial system that is ripe to pursue even the most ridiculous complaints. In this case, the client was falsely accused of three counts of sexual assault and three counts of breaking and entering. A preliminary inquiry was conducted. Mr. Lewandowski cross-examined the complainant four days, and obtained fodder for impeachment necessary for trial. With the preliminary transcript in hand, an application for third party records was sought, and Yahoo chat logs were obtained. This required an application through U.S. Courts to be conducted, since the servers upon which the information was held were located in California. The Yahoo chat logs proved that the client was in fact innocent. The accused was the victim of a ruse perpetrated by the complainant out of revenge. With new information in hand, the Police re-interviewed the complainant; when confronted with her answers at the preliminary inquiry and confronted with the Yahoo chat logs, she admitted, begrudgingly, that she had concocted the entire story. Shortly before the scheduled jury trial, the Crown called Mr. Lewandowski and advised that the Crown would not be proceeding. After reviewing the new evidence, the Crown re-assessed and determined that there was no longer a reasonable prospect of conviction. All six charges were withdrawn without the necessity of a trial.