There is no crime that grabs the publics attention more fervently than a sex crime. Although the Criminal Code protects the identity of the complainant, there is not provision to protect the identity of the accused. Thus, upon being charged, the accuseds name is often splattered over the media. For persons charge with a sexual assault, even those who are falsely accused, the process itself can be devastating. The penalties are harsh and the Courts have no qualms about enforcing them vigorously. Even for first time offenders, jail is usually the mandate. These types of offences are unique within the Code, because the conviction often stands on the testimony of only one witness: the complainant. Often the complaint is made many years after the alleged event, making it difficult if not impossible to gather defence evidence. The exculpatory forensic evidence is unavailable, witnesses have disappeared, died or their memories have faded. Even if they are available, it is difficult to disprove a non-event. Thus, the only tool at your disposal to prove that you are not guilty is cross-examination. This is the fundamental and vital role that your criminal lawyer will fulfill on such a case. The success of the cross-examination of your accused will be a direct function of your lawyers preparation, tenacity and talent. Below are a sampling of sex crime cases that Mr. Lewandowski has dealt with.